Saturday, April 22, 2006

More Rest Than I Planned

Took a well deserved day off on Thursday. It sure was nice to sleep in till 3:30. Felt like going for a swim after work but forced myself to just hang out while Nikki went to tutoring. Read a little and drifted off to sleepland.
Friday I thought I was all rested, for sure I was pumped for a morning ride. The wind was about normal from the NE @ 15-20 mph. So no big deal. I started off fine and just planned to do some spinning. Whoa, someone forgot to let my legs know they had a day off yesterday. Sluggish ride that lasted too long for the route. When I arrived back home I couldn't figure out why it wasn't a better ride. Maybe one more day off tomorrow. Went with Nikki to the talent show at her school. There were a couple of young boys who could really play the piano. One of them was in the 1st grade and the other was probably just as old. Got to give those kids credit for getting up there and performing, takes a lot of guts.
Fell asleep on the couch with Nikki on my lap. Kel woke me up when she called at 10:50. Carried Nikki to bed and when I fell asleep I couldn't get up in time for a workout. Oh well, I had planned not to do anything but if I HAD gotten up then I might have gone for a run. Took my Felt in to get it tuned and adjusted while I went to pick up my swag bag for the metric next week. The clicking I heard turned out to be my left pedal which I thought I checked. Got a new rear derailure cable, socks and GU. All for the whopping price of $23. Happy boy again. Can't wait to ride on Monday. Now I'll get my P3 done sometime soon.

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