Sunday, December 30, 2007

Getting High Tech

I don't know what happened, but Santa must've thought I was good this year. He (or she) got me the Forerunner 305 and put it under the tree. I thought all I needed to run was my shoes, some nice clothes and my watch. With all the new mapping available on the net, I would just map my runs to get the mileage.

Now I got this high tech GPS HR monitor/watch. It's very nice and has lots of bells and whistles. Add the Motion Based website and zowie, now I can run anywhere and let the watch & computer do all the work. I'm having fun replaying mine and other peoples workouts. It monitors not only my position but my HR, pace, elevations and with the user profile, calories burned. For the bike I can add a cadence sensor but that's latter. Right now I can pull up the stats at any point of the workout when downloaded to MB. I'm just learning how to use it and have only done 2 runs and 1 bike with it. So far it seems accurate but I kinda doubt the elevations. I'm excited about this new toy and tend to push myself out the door just so I can record something. I'll report more as I learn more. Now what's that thing called an ipod?

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